If you want to contact us, ask a question or just share some experience or opinion about ferrets, you can do it over contact form, simple and fast or directly on this e-mail: support@friendlyferret.com.
Your opinion is important so please, don’t hesitate to contact us about anything. We will be more than happy to help you with my experience.
Expect our response within 24 hours, but we will try to reply to you as soon as possible.
If you have any questions regarding the webshop, check FAQs. Your question may be answered there. Click here to read FAQs.
When you buy a product, we need few days to pack it and then about two to three weeks for the product to come to you (depending on where are you from) So, please be patient. Here you can read more about shipping.
We are open to cooperation if you have any suggestions we will be glad to hear it from you, don’t be shy. 🙂

Zagreb, Croatia, Europe – Friendly Ferret Headquarters