Even though ferrets are around us for over 2,500 years, they are still considered exotic pets. That means sharing experiences with ferret enthusiasts isn’t that easy and gathering information about keeping ferrets as pets can be even more difficult. That is why the Friendly Ferret team decided to write an educational ferret eBook for every ferret owner.
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Why Did We Decide To Write The Book?
One of the main goals Anja set up with her Friendly Ferret brand is education. She wants to help ferret owners (and ones who want to become one) by gathering the best and correct information in one place. In this book, you will be able to learn everything one ferret owner needs to know. Proper education is the most important part of owning any pet, including a ferret. That is why this book is made for a new and a current ferret owner.
What Is The Goal Of This Book?
As we already mentioned, the main goal of this eBook is education. With proper education, a person can avoid health problems, trouble with socialization, training, and prolong the ferret’s life. The main purpose of this book is to be useful to every ferret owner. That means it can be a great starting point for someone who doesn’t know anything about ferrets. Also, it can be a great reminder and source of new information for experienced ferret owners too.
With this book, I also want to make ferrets more popular, improve their life quality with good ferret information, and to make every ferret community even bigger than it is.
What The Book Is About?
The book has everything one ferret owner has to know. We gathered information about basic topics like ferret history, how and why are ferrets domesticated. The book also consists of practical tips and advice about litter training, the training not to bite, how to play with your ferret… But, we have also covered more serious information like a proper diet for a ferret, the difference between kibble and raw meat diet. Since a ferret’s health can be fragile, we reserved an entire chapter for ferret illnesses, how to recognize them, can you prevent them, and how to treat them.
Who Wrote Friendly Ferret Book?
Anja is the main author of this book. But, she made it with a help of a few ferret experts. Maja is a respectable ferret breeder and experienced owner for almost two decades. Tijana is a veterinarian student who wants to specialize in exotic pets. Since ferrets are still considered exotic pets, they are one of her main topics of interest and she is learning about them through her entire education.

Anja Delić
EDUCATION: Master Of Engineering in Civil Engineering – Polytechnicum Zagrabiense
EXPERTISE: Ferret Care, Ferret Training, Ferret Judging, Digital Marketing
EXPERIENCE: More Then 10 Years

Maja Čonč
EDUCATION: Finishing study at the Veterinary Faculty of Ljubljana
EXPERTISE: Ferret Diseases & Health Care, Ferret Breeding, Ferret Judging
EXPERIENCE: Almost Twenty Years
Why Should You Buy This Book?
This book is a must-have item for new ferret owners. It will give you practical and theoretical knowledge about ferrets. Also, if you are an experienced owner, it is a great reminder for some special ferret situations and a great source of ideas for ferret-proofing, playing, and socializing. But, this book is not just a source of information. By buying this book you are helping Friendly Ferret share good information about ferrets and you become a part of a ferret community. We want to invest in expanding the ferret community and improve the overall quality of life for your litter ferrets. Last but not least, a part of the earnings we donate to ferret shelters all over the world. It is our way of helping ferret shelters and rescue centers wherever they are located.
Friendly Ferret eBook Price
The price will be around 30 dollars and with this money, I want to develop the Friendly Ferret brand so you can consider it as an investment in Friendly Ferret. I will use the earning to expand the Friendly Ferret audience so I can share good, useful, and quality information about ferrets. Also, a part of the earnings will go to ferret shelters and rescue centers all over the world so we can together make a better world for ferrets.
When Will I Publish The Book?
I don’t want to make a book in a few weeks. I have included a few ferret experts because I want the information to be true and good and that takes a lot of time to do thorough research. Also, I will make my own charts and drawings which also require a lot of time. This project will last around 6 months because after research and development I have to proof and edit the entire book. There is a chance it will last longer than that because I want the quality to be the best there is. I won’t release a book with low-quality information. My hope is to release the book in the next 8 months, but since it is a big project with many people involved it could last longer. If you want to be sure about the date of the book release, subscribe to my newsletter and I will notify you in time!
LIMITED EDITION: Early Book Release
Since I want quality in every part of the book, I will first release only 100 copies of the book with a 50% price off. I will do that because I want to hear what people can say about the book so if there are some errors or I forgot about something I can make it right before I release the book for real. If you want to be the owner of those 100 copies, make sure to subscribe to my newsletter. I won’t share this information on Friendly Ferret social profiles, I will send the info only to subscribers and they will get the chance to buy a book before the official release.
to grab your early copy of our eBook!