We are gathering rescues and shelters for ferrets from all over the world. Here is the list of ferret shelters & rescues in every state & continent. If you know a shelter or a rescue that isn’t on this list, feel free to contact us at support@friendlyferret.com or on the contact form here.
We haven’t contacted all of them and we don’t know if they are working. Also, we don’t know the situation around shelters, which ones meet necessary requirements for keeping ferrets (or any other animals). If you have any information about the shelters on the list (or some that aren’t there), please let us know and we will update the list.
Do You Want To Adopt A Ferret?
Adopting means giving someone a second chance and every animal deserves that chance. Shelters have ferrets of every age and gender, every pattern and type, and every ferret wants to find a forever home.
Rescue Centers And Shelters – Show Us Your Ferrets
If you have a ferret that needs rehoming, contact us at support@friendlyferret.com and we will help you and your ferret to find a new home. If you know someone who needs to adopt their ferret, give them our email. We will put your ferret’s picture alongside other information (name, age, gender, color, personality) on the site to help you and your ferret find a new home. Send us an email and together we will fill out a questionnaire about ferret’s rehoming.
List Of Ferrets Waiting For Their Forever Home
Here is the list of ferrets available for adoption from ferret shelters from all over the world. If you want to adopt a ferret and give him a new home, you can look at this list to see if there is any ferret set for adoption around you. If you find a ferret contact us at support@friendlyferret.com and we will help you bring that ferret home. Send us an email and together we will fill out a request about the ferret’s adoption.
Ferret Shelters All Over The World

Frettchenhilfswerk Österreich
Adress: c/o Verena Haider Krieglergasse 17-19/1/8, 1030 Wien, Austria
Website: Frettchenhilfswerk
Facebook: /
Contact: info@frettchenhilfswerk.at

L.N.P.F. Refuge
Adress: L.N.P.F. refuge, Chaussée de Mons 26, 1430 Rebecq, Belgium
Website: Web 1
Facebook: L.N.P.F.
Contact: protection.furet@skynet.be
Phone number: 067 33 67 67

Mustela ASBL refuge
Adress: 41 rue du pot d’Or, 4000 Liège, Belgium
Website: Mustela refuge
Facebook: ASBL Mustela
Contact: asblmustela@gmail.com
Phone number: +32 (0)4 92/ 88 86 09
Adress: Ante Starcevica, 10 370 Dugo Selo, Croatia
Website: Tvorum
Facebook: Tvorum – udruga ljubitelja tvorova
Contact: tvorum@tvorovi.com
Phone number: +385 91 5257 054
Czech Republic
Klub chovatelů a příznivců fretek
Adress: Klub chovatelů a příznivců fretek, Hrusická 2520/16, 141 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic
Website: Fretka
Facebook: KlubFretka
Contact: fretka@fretka.cz
Phone number: 604 787 205
Fretka v Plzni
Website: Fretka v Plzni
Facebook: Fretka v Plzni
Contact: fretkavplzni@centrum.cz
Phone number: /
Czech Ferret Association
Website: Fretky
Facebook: /
Contact: cfa.fret
Phone number:+420. 777 503 016
+420. 723 752 443
Adress: France
Website: /
Facebook: Furetoscope
Contact: @furetoscope on Facebook
Phone number: /
Adress: France
Website: /
Facebook: Furetsperdus
Contact: @furetsperdus on Facebook
Phone number: /

Fufus de l’Ouest
Adress: les Fufus de l’Ouest, Lieu dit la Besnarde, 35510 Cesson-Sévigné, France
Website: les Fufus de l’Ouest
Facebook: Fufus de l’Ouest
Contact: fufus_de_louest@yahoo.fr
Phone number:

Association des furets et des hommes
Adress: Palaiseau, France
Website: /
Facebook: Association des furets et des hommes
Contact: Contact form on website, info@furets-hommes.fr
Phone number: /

Il court il court le furet
Adress: 71370 L’Abergement-Sainte-Colombe en Bourgogne, France
Website: /
Facebook: Il court il court le furet
Contact: associationfuret@gmail.com
Phone number: /

Furets à adopter en association
Address: France
Website: /
Facebook: Furets à adopter en association
Contact: @Furetsenassociation on Facebook
Phone number: /

Friends of hope
Adress: Frettchenhilfe Friends of Hope e.V., Talweg 3, 74834 Elztal – Dallau, Baden Württemberg, Germany
Website: Frettchenhilfe – Friends of hope
Facebook: Friends of hope
Contact: friends-of-hope@gmx.de
Phone number: /

Mogfreds Frettchenhilfe
Adress: 27616 Beverstedt, Germany
Website: Mogfreds Frettchenhilfe
Facebook: Mogfreds Frettchenhilfe
Contact: info@mogfreds-frettchenhilfe.de
Phone number: +49 47491030820

Frettchenfreunde Osnabrück 1990 e.V.
Adress: Frettchenfreunde Osnabrück 1999 e.V., Senfdamm 4, 49152 Bad Essen / Wittlage,Germany
Website: Frettchenfreunde Osnabrück
Facebook: Frettchenfreunde Osnabrück 1990 e.V.
Phone number: 05472-815348

Greek ferret club
Adress: Greece
Website: Greek ferret club
Facebook: /
Contact: greekferretclub@gmail.com
Phone number: 694 300 7210

Magyar Vadászgörény Klub
Adress: Magyar Vadászgörény Klub, 2030 Érd, Faragó utca 5, Hungary
Website: Magyar Vadászgörény Klub
Facebook: Magyar Vadászgörény Klub
Contact: menhely@mvk.u
Phone number: 06 70 555 09 09

Adress: Associazione Italiana Furetti – Furettomania ONLUS, Via Monte Rosa n. 30/A, 21010 Besnate (Varese), Italy
Website: Furettomania
Facebook: Furettomania ONLUS
Contact: ufficio.adozioni@furettomania.com
Phone number: 339/1158668, 335/6678218

Jelly belly ferretry
Adress: Jelgava, Latvia
Website: Jelly belly Ferretry
Facebook: Jelly belly ferretry
Contact: jellybellyferretry@gmail.com
Phone number: /

Ferret rescue in Latvia
Adress: Jelgava, Latvia
Website: Ferret rescue in Latvia
Facebook: Ferret rescue in Latvia
Contact: irra.vet@gmail.com
Phone number: +371 26 465 534

Ferret valley
Adress: Latvia
Website: /
Facebook: Ferret Valley
Contact: ferret.valley@seskumilis.lv
Phone number: +371 29 286 639

Adress: Poland
Website: Fretki
Facebook: /
Contact: aosemlak@gmail.com
Phone number: /

Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Fretek
Adress: ul. Adama Mickiewicza 18 a m. 4, 01-517 Warszawa,Poland
Website: Fretek
Facebook: Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Fretek
Phone number: +48 883 324 684

Adress: Romania
Website: Dihori
Facebook: Dihori
Contact: roxana@dihori.ro, ana@dihori.ro
Phone number: /

All about ferrets
Website: It’s All About Ferrets
Facebook: All About Ferrets
Contact: >maja@zverinice.com
Phone number:+386 40 395 995

Adress: Cesta na Brdo 85, SI 1000 Ljubljana
Website: Zverinice
Facebook: Zverinice
Contact: info@zverinice.com
Phone number: +386 70 775 734

Huron adictos
Address: Spain
Website: Huron adictos
Facebook: Huron adictos group
Contact: soporte@huronadictos.com
Phone number:/
United Kingdom

Border Collie Rescue
Address: 57. Market Place Richmond North Yorkshire DL10 4JQ
Website: Border Collie Rescue
Facebook: Border Collie Rescue
Contact: hq@bordercollierescue.org
Phone number: 0845 6044941

Sheffield animal center
Address: 2 Stadium Way, Sheffield, S9 3HN
Website: Sheffield animal centre
Facebook: Sheffield animal centre
Contact: reception@rspcasheffield.org
Phone number: /

Ferret help
Adress: Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Website: /
Facebook: Ferret help
Contact: help@ferrethelp.eu
Phone number: 07513 516732

Fluffy retreat ferret rescue
Adress: Chippenham / Calne / Devizes,United Kingdom
Website: Fluffy retreat ferret rescue
Facebook: Fluffy retreat
Contact: info@fluffyretreat.org.uk
Phone number: /

British ferret club
Adress: United Kingdom
Website: British ferret club
Facebook: /
Contact: webmaster@britishferretclub.org.uk
Phone number: /

South Ceshire ferret rescue
Adress: United Kingdom
Website: /
Facebook: South Ceshire ferret rescue
Contact: southcheshireferrets@live.co.uk
Phone number: /

STA ferrets rescue
Adress: Basingstoke, United Kingdom
Website: STA ferret rescue
Facebook: STA ferret rescue
Phone number: +44 7990 977074

Essex ferret welfare society
Adress: Ongar Essex,United Kingdom
Website: Essex ferret welfare society
Facebook:Essex ferret welfare society
Contact: helen.gudge@gmail.com
Phone number: 01277 364115

Central ferret welfare
Adress: Netherton & Halesowen,United Kingdom
Website: Central ferret welfare
Facebook: Central ferret welfare
Contact: central-ferret-welfare@hotmail.co.uk
Phone number: 07531-880921

Harrietsham ferret rescue
Adress: United Kingdom
Website: Harrietsham ferret rescue
Facebook: Harrietsham ferret rescue
Contact: /
Phone number: 01622851690

Gem ferret care group
Adress: United Kingdom
Website: Gem ferret care group
Facebook: /
Contact: ferretjane@hotmail.co.uk, gemferret@hotmail.co.uk
Phone number: /

Three shires ferret rescue & welfare
Address: Northamptonshire, Leicestershire and Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Website: /
Facebook: Three shires ferret rescue & welfare
Contact: admin@threeshiresferretrescueandwelfare.co.uk
Phone number: /

Chase ferret rescue & boarding
Adress: Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Website: /
Facebook: Chase ferret rescue & boarding
Contact: chaseferrets@aol.com
Phone number: 07967 192 120

The ferret hotel
Adress: Nottingham, United Kingdom
Website: /
Facebook:The ferret hotel
Contact: contact form on website
Phone number: /

Heart of England ferret association
Adress: United Kingdom
Website: /
Facebook: Heart of England ferret association
Contact: carolinehornberger@hotmail.com
Phone number: +44 7785 420350

Tayside ferret rescue
Adress: Blairgowrie, United Kingdom
Facebook: Tayside ferret rescue
Contact: enquiry@taysideferretrescue.com
Phone number: /

National Ferret Welfare Society
Adress: United Kingdom
Website: National Ferret Welfare Society
Facebook: National Ferret Welfare Society
Contact: nfwsmembership@gmail.com
Phone number: /

Prospect Ferret Rescue
Address: Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Website: Prospect Ferret Rescue
Facebook: Prospect Ferret Rescue
Contact: sara@prospectferretrescue.org;
Phone number: 07951579146

Lincs ferret rescue
Adress: Swinstead nr Corby Glen, United Kingdom
Website: Lincs ferret rescue
Facebook: Lincs ferret rescue
Contact: contact form on website, bunny66613@gmail.com
Phone number: 07723914856
North America

Ferret rescue society of Ottawa and area
Adress: Ottawa, Canada
Website: Ferret rescue society of Ottawa and area
Facebook: /
Contact: info@ferretrescue.ca
Phone number: /

The ferret aid society
Adress: Toronto, Canada
Website: The ferret aid society
Facebook: The ferret aid society
Contact: ferretaid@ferretaid.org
Phone number: /
United States Of America

Kindness Matters Ferret Rescue
Adress: Acworth, GA
Website: Kindness Matters Ferret Rescue
Facebook: Kindness Matters Ferret Rescue
Contact: kmferretrescue@comcast.net
Phone number: 770-235-0070

OK save a dog socitey
Adress: 990214 S. 3580 Rd, Prague Ok 74864
Website: OK Save A Dog Society
Facebook: OK Save A Dog Society
Contact: k9saver@gmail.com
Phone number: /

Buddy Dog Humane Society, Inc.
Adress: 151 Boston Post Rd, Sudbury MA
Website: Buddy Dog Humane Society, Inc.
Facebook: Buddy Dog Humane Society, Inc.
Contact: info@buddydoghs.com
Phone number: 978-443-6990

Baltimore humane society
Adress: 1601 Nicodemus Road,Reisterstown
Website: Baltimore humane society
Facebook: Baltimore humane society
Contact: shelter@bmorehumane.org
Phone number: 410-833-8848

East Alabama Humane Society, Inc.
Adress: 712 13th Street, Phenix City, AL 36867
Website: East Alabama Humane Society, Inc.
Facebook: East Alabama Humane Society, Inc.
Contact: eahs4pets@yahoo.com
Phone number: 334.298.6446

Strayhaven Animal Shelter
Adress: 94 Donation Road, Greenville, PA 16125
Website: Strayhaven Animal Shelter
Facebook: Strayhaven Animal Shelter
Contact: strayhavenanimalshelter@yahoo.com
Phone number: +1-(724) 588-6161

Oregon ferret shelter
Adress: 3347 SE Umatilla Loop, Prineville, OR 97754
Website: Oregon ferret shelter
Facebook: Oregon ferret shelter
Contact: theferretmom@gmail.com
Phone number: (971) 313-3622

ARK – Animal Rescue Konsortium, Inc
Adress: Animal Rescue Konsortium, Inc., DeLand, FL 32724
Website: Animal Rescue Konsortium, Inc
Facebook: /
Contact: ARKsaves@gmail.com
Phone number:/

Cavy Care Inc
Adress: Guinea Pig Shelter, 4343 S. Jasper St., Aurora CO 80015
Website: Cavy Care Inc.
Facebook: Cavy care Inc.
Contact: shannon@cavycareinc.org
Phone number: 303-593-2195

AZ center for animal rescue & education
Adress: San Tan Valley, AZ 85140, USA
Website: AZ center for animal rescue & education
Facebook: AZ center for animal rescue & education
Contact: adopt@azcarerescue.org
Phone number: /

Friends of Felines’ Rescue Center
Adress: 14597 PowerDam Road, Defiance, Ohio 43512
Website: Friends of Felines’ Rescue Center
Facebook: Friends of Felines’ Rescue Center
Contact: fofrescue@gmail.com
Phone number: /

Motor City Ferrets
Address: Hazel Park, Michigan
Website: Motor City Ferrets
Facebook: Motor City Ferrets
Contact: motorcityferrets@hotmail.com
Phone number: 248.219.9023

Fuzzy Ferret Rescue
Address: 2414 Blue Ridge Drive, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Website: Fuzzy Ferret Rescue
Facebook: Fuzzy Ferret Rescue
Contact: fuzzyferretrescue@usa.com
Phone number: +1 423-508-4101
New South Wales

NSW Animal Rescue
Adress: NSW, Australia
Website: NSW Animal Rescue
Facebook: NSW Animal Rescue
Phone number: /