Friendly Ferret is a brand made especially for ferrets and ferret parents. The main intention is to make ferrets even more popular, to be a known source of good information about ferrets.
One Ferret Parent Adventure
It all started back in 2012 with Anja’s plan to learn about ferrets. Her main intention was to show people what are ferrets and what are they like as pets. Anja has been writing this blog since 2012 when her ferret Frida was one year old. The 2 of them shared stories, tips on how to train your ferret or going to the vet. In 2016, Friendly Ferret got another member and that is energetic cinnamon ferret Yoda, also called Rambo. Yoda acts like one little badass without any fear. Every problem or challenge Anja has ever encountered is documented here, as they really happened. How to make your ferret stop biting or what is the best ferret nutrition are just a few challenges Frida and Anja experienced.
More Ferretastic Future

We want to make ferrets more popular with proper education & awesome community!

Tested by Frida and Yoda so we can proudly say: “They are made for ferrets!”

We, ferret parents, want to show the world that we have the most amazing pets!
We want to expand our brand to even more fields. We have 3 goals which include education, ferret equipment, and excellent things for ferret parents. The main reason for that is the lack of equipment specially made for ferrets and ferret parents. Ferrets aren’t ordinary pets and that is why every ferret owner or soon-to-be owner needs to learn about their habits and their way of life. What do they eat, where do they sleep or can they learn tricks are just a few questions every ferret owner asks himself. Friendly ferret is a brand that offers everything, from educational materials to ferret designed products all made with love for ferrets.
Friendly Ferret History
First Ferret Frida
This is the first picture of Anja and Frida, taken back in 2012. It was their first encounter, Frida was so small Anja could easily put it in her hand. That day their adventure began, until 2020 when Frida crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
Friendly Ferret Blog
Anja wrote the first Friendly Ferret post back in 2013 when Frida was one year old. The blog was intended for sharing experience and gathered knowledge about ferrets. She went through every adventure with Frida who was the best ferret she could ask for.
Made For Ferrets
Friendly Ferret blog has become much more than just a personal blog. We started developing different products and educational posts. Also, Yoda became a member of the Friendly Ferret Family.
Active In Community
The first ferret show where Friendly Ferret was one of the sponsors was in Budapest with our products made for ferrets and ferret lovers. This year was filled with giveaways, contests, and many satisfied Friendly Ferret customers.
First Ferret Judge
Anja’s first appearance on a ferret show as a judge in Odense, Denmark. This was her great experience where she met many ferret enthusiast and spent a day surrounded by many types of ferrets.
Friendly Ferret eBook
The latest Friendly Ferret update is focused on education. The most important point in 2021 is writing an eBook for every ferret owner on the planet with a couple of ferret experts with the sole purpose of sharing good ferret information.
Friendly Ferret Team
Anja Delić
EDUCATION: Master Of Engineering in Civil Engineering – Polytechnicum Zagrabiense
EXPERTISE: Ferret Care, Ferret Training, Ferret Judging, Digital Marketing
EXPERIENCE: More Then 10 Years
Anja is a ferret owner eager to learn as much there is about ferrets. She started learning about ferrets in 2010 and she got her first ferret in 2012. Since then she is expanding her ferret knowledge, attending ferret shows and sharing her experience with the ferret world. She wants to share correct and good information about ferrets through her website and her ebook. Read More About Anja
Maja Čonč
EDUCATION: Finishing study at the Veterinary Faculty of Ljubljana
EXPERTISE: Ferret Diseases & Health Care, Ferret Breeding, Ferret Judging
EXPERIENCE: Almost Twenty Years
Maja Čonč is a ferret expert from Slovenia with 20 years of experience with ferrets, their health, and behavior. She is active in the ferret world, engaging in numerous ferret conferences and events in different countries, including Slovenia. She wrote many informative articles about ferrets and she founded Slovenian Ferret Association back in 2008. She is at the end of her study at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Ljubljana. Read More About Maja