Setting Up A Ferret Cage: Full Guide For Best Cage Set-Up


What should you look out for when setting up a ferret cage?

Are there good ferret cage setup ideas you can use as inspiration?

In this post, I want to share with you how you can properly set up a ferret cage. What are the things you have to separate, where should you put food and water bowls, and where should you put the hammocks for sleeping. Every part of the accessory has its purpose and you can make the best ferret cage set up if you put each thing in the best place.

Why Should You Organize A Ferret Cage?

Ferrets spend a decent amount of time in a cage and it is your job to make that period comfortable. But, don’t forget that you have to let your ferret out of the cage at least twice a day and that should be a minimum of 4 hours (2 hours each time).

Setting Up A Ferret Cage

By organizing a ferret cage you can lower the mess one ferret makes in a cage. You can keep the hygiene in the cage at the top level and you can prevent many accidents from happening. When it comes to cleaning, if you organize a ferret cage the cleaning process will be quicker and much simpler.

How Do You Set Up A Ferret Cage?

Once you set up a ferret cage you will clean it without moving the hammocks, bowls, or litter box around to find the perfect place for each one. So, let’s see what you have to put in the cage, where you should put it, and why.

Choose A Good Quality Ferret Cage

Before we dig into the ferret cage setup, let’s talk about the ferret cage itself. If you want your ferret to be comfortable in a cage, you have to choose the best ferret cage on the market. That means it should be big enough, made from good materials, safe for ferrets and their paws and it should have more than one level. Everything you need to know about good ferret cages you can read in my post about picking the best ferret cage.

ferret cage

Separate Sleeping, Eating, And Bathroom

It is a good idea to separate eating from sleeping and pooping. The most important part is to separate the platform reserved for litter from the platform reserved for food and water bowls. That is the best way when it comes to hygiene. Keeping them separated you are preventing bacteria from spreading to unwanted places like a food bowl.

What Do Ferrets Need In Their Cage?

Things you need for a ferret cage are food and water bowls, a litter box filled with good quality litter, hammocks for sleeping, toys for playing, etc. Consider where to put each and every item I’ve listed. Spread those items on every platform, don’t gather them in one platform because you have enough room for it.

Where To Put A Litter Box?

The best place to put a litter box is on the bottom of the cage. It is the easiest for you to clean it and it is the best place for your ferret too. When you let your ferret out of the cage, he can easily come back in the cage to poop or pee when a litter box is near the door.

set a litter box in ferret cage

A good idea is to get a litter box that comes with a hook or any type of locking mechanism you can use to attach it to the side of the cage. Ferrets tend to move the litter box around and it is a good idea to prevent that from happening. You can read more about litter boxes in my post picking the best litter box.

What Litter To Use?

Ferrets can’t use every litter on the market because they love to dig in it. So, that means getting a cat clay litter is not a good choice for them. It can get stuck in their nose or their anus. The best choice is pellet litter because it is safe for them. If you want to know more about this topic, read my post about the best ferret litter.

What To Put In a Ferret Litter Box

Where To Put Food And Water Bowls?

As I have already mentioned, food and water bowls should be as far as possible from litter. It is natural that you want to separate eating from pooping. So, with that in mind, I suggest you put the bowls on the top platform of the cage. I strongly recommend that you buy bowls you can attach to the cage.

water and food bowl in ferret cage

Just like they love to move litter boxes, they love to knock down food and water bowls. That is why it is strongly recommended to buy bowls with a locking mechanism. You can put them on the side of the cage and they won’t move. Which ones are the best (and which aren’t) you can read in my post about ferret food and water bowls.

Where To Put Hammocks?

Hammocks are pretty easy to place because you can’t go wrong with that. You can put them in every corner, on every platform, and as many as you want. But, I would recommend avoiding the bottom of the cage. It is a good idea to reserve that part for litter boxes. Ferrets are very clean animals and if you put a hammock on the bottom of the cage, your ferret probably won’t use it.

Put hammocks in the ferret cage

If you put a hammock near the water and food bowls, you can be sure that your ferret will eat from the bed, which is a rather hilarious scene to see. How to organize hammocks and what are the best designs and materials you can read in my post about ferret hammocks.

Where To Put Ferret Toys?

There is a difference between a ferret toy you can put in the cage and a ferret toy to leave out of the cage. You can monitor your ferret playing with toys out of the cage. It is not the same story with toys you put in the cage. So, to avoid any accidents, place only toys made of hard plastic so your ferret can’t chew them. You can also put plush toys, but only if they don’t have buttons for the nose and eyes. So, the entire toy should be made of fabric. That way you can be sure that your ferret won’t chew the nose or eye of the toy. Read here more about ferret safe toys.

Ferret Safe Toys Without Small Parts

Another pretty amazing toy you can place in the cage is a ferret tunnel. Ferrets love tunnels and if you want to keep your ferret entertained while he is in the cage, a tunnel is a great way to do so. It is a good idea to rotate toys in the cage because no matter how great those toys are, your ferret can get bored of them. So, to spice things up, every few weeks place some new toys in the cage and after that, return the ones he already had in the cage. Rotate them to keep your ferret entertained at all times.

Do Ferrets Need Bedding In Their Cage?

Ferrets aren’t like hamsters, rats, or other small animals that use bedding for burrowing. So, you don’t have to use bedding people use with those small animals. You can, but it won’t make a difference. It will make a mess in the cage. Ferrets sleep in hammocks, blankets, or your old T-shirts, not in the bedding. There is a chance that a ferret will recognize bedding as a toilet, not as a place to sleep.

ferret bedding

But, if you decide to grab bedding for your ferret, you have to be aware that there are beddings that can be harmful to them. For example, wood shavings aren’t a good choice for ferrets because they have essential oils which are proven harmful to their respiratory system. What makes it harmful and what are good alternatives you can read in my post about bedding in a ferret cage.

Do Ferrets Need Liners In Their Cage?

Liners are pieces of fabric people put on the ramps and platforms in the cage. It is not necessary to have liners in the cage, but it will make the cleaning process much simpler. You will have to simply replace the liners in the cage without cleaning the platforms and ramps.

Ferret Cage Liner

There is one situation where having liners is very smart. If your ferret cage comes with wires on platforms or ramps, then you should consider putting liners in the cage. Wires on the floor can hurt your ferret’s paws so to prevent that, you have to cover the mesh. You can do that with thick liners or you can cover the mesh with linoleum or some plastic board.


The most important part of setting up a ferret cage is to separate every part of a ferret day. Make sure your ferret has a place to play, sleep, eat and poop in the cage and make sure the cage is maintained. Don’t forget to check every toy and hammock you put in the cage so you can be sure it is not broken or it won’t get stuck in ferrets’ nails. That way you can prevent many accidents from happening. small and big ones. Share your ferret cage setup ideas with us in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe to the Friendly Ferret newsletter!

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Anja Delic
Anja is a Friendly Ferret owner and a ferret parent who is involved in the ferret world for more than 10 years. She started her Friendly Ferret blog when she got her first ferret Frida 8 years ago. In 2013, Friendly Ferret was recognized as a great source of information and it has become a good ferret brand for education, products, and fun. Since then, Anja was a part in many ferrets shows as a sponsor and as a judge, and she met many great and interesting people who share the same passion as her - ferrets. Anja is always opened for suggestions and advice, so if you have something to ask or say about ferrets, feel free to contact her on Instagram, Facebook Fan Page, Twitter or